Sandwich Chefs

Today, during Unit of Inquiry time, we all got together in my kitchen to make some sandwiches

It's such a simple everyday activity, but it involves so many of the different language focuses and lines of inquiry that we are following at the moment:
- Jobs (chef)
- Prepositions of place ('between' and 'on' the bread)
- Likes and dislikes (Vegetables and other types of food)
- Similarities and differences (Pakuchi, as always, being highly divisive)

It was also a great activity in that it gave us an opportunity to practice proper hand-washing procedure, which is so important for stopping the spread of Corona Virus.

A Reflection:

I touch my face  a lot!

That's not a good thing for a chef to do even when there isn't a serious virus spreading around.

I think it's because I'm a little nervous.

I've been teaching for almost a decade (Actually, my first teaching job in Japan was as a cooking instructor at a community center in Gunma), and after four weeks of using Zoom I'm quite used to being on camera, but as soon as I press the record button, I become a bit self conscious and have trouble acting naturally.

Do you think your kids might be feeling camera shy too?

If you are having a little trouble getting them in front of the camera, one good solution, which one or two parents have already adopted, is to turn your camera off. You are always welcome to just watch our lessons if participating is a still too much of a challenge.

Who knows; after watching us all pick our noses for a day or two, your child might start to feel less self conscious and be ready to give joining in a try.

WEEK TWO (AUGUST 24-28) Hello everyone!  Our second week came to pass very quickly . The kids got used to our new routines. As you can guess...