Our final unit of the year, How We Express Ourselves, ties in very nicely with the Year End Performance. Our inquiry will be geared towards creating that performance and it will act as our summative assessment. The first step was to tune in to what the kids already know and have already done for YEP. We started off by watching videos of last years perfromance by the old preschool class and going down to the Toddlers class to show them the dances we did last year when we were their age.
The first thing we have to do for YEP is select our costumes, as anything we need to order should be finalized by the end of January. We sketched costume ideas over the top of pictures of our friends and then voted on which ideas where the best. It seems like we have settled on 'Fairies'
The next stage of planning YEP will be to get a general theme and fit dances/songs/reading to that. Towards that end we looked at the emotions in our book 'The Flower' and how they changed as the story progressed. With a little bit more work, we should get to the idea of putting a beginning, middle and end into our performance with some some kind of emotional arch from start to finish.