Taking Action: Taking our friends to our parks

As we finish off our second unit, we got to share our inquiries into the local parks with our friends in other classes.

We first met with the kinder class and presented our map to them. We discussed all the factors we had decided were important for planning a trip (time, weather, distance and equipment) and decided to go to Amadaike koen, as it is big enough for nearly 30+ kids. We then showed them the directions on the map and set out to follow them together.When we got there, we enjoyed the rock climbing area and played some games together:

Later on in the week we did the same thing with our grade 6 buddies. they told us they liked jungle gyms, so we knew exactly where to take them: minami horie koen! We also decided to take our lunches with us and have a picnic, as lunch time was the only time we could go together.

WEEK TWO (AUGUST 24-28) Hello everyone!  Our second week came to pass very quickly . The kids got used to our new routines. As you can guess...