The First ELC Assembly

Last week we had our first Early Learning Center assembly! Our class got to choose the first song for everyone to sing together and we decided on 'Yellow Submarine'by the Beatles. We painted and prepared posters with the lyrics to give to all of the other classes to help them practice.
Yuma also, very bravely, took the opportunity to do her self introduction in front of everyone (sorry about the sound; she probably neded a microphone)
As we race towards the end of the term and the end of our Who We Are unit, a big focus will be finalizing our self introductions and getting them on video for our summative assessment. We already know how we will take action with them; we are planning to send them to another IB school in New Zealand. Hopefully we can get to know them a little and have some video chats with them during our next unit: Where We Are In Time And Place.

WEEK TWO (AUGUST 24-28) Hello everyone!  Our second week came to pass very quickly . The kids got used to our new routines. As you can guess...