Tuning In

The beginning of our inquiry wall
The last two weeks have been dedicated to the 'Tuning In' phase of our unit of inquiry. We have practiced writing our own names, talked about our favorite fruits (thank you to all the parents who came in to share theirs with us), as well as other things we like and don't like, compared favorites and checked up on everyone's understanding of family members (the fact that grandma is mum's mum was a revelation).

Next week we will begin the 'Finding Out' phase, which looks like it will be focused on jobs. Some parents have already agreed to come in and share their occupations with us, and if you would like to too, you are more than welcome.

As promised, here are a few videos of the kids in class:

Cutting and gluing likes and dislikes

Favourites at fruit time

Castanets in music class

Hopscotch in P.E.

I'm sorry I didn't manage to get a video of Andy's Japanese lesson; the memory card was full. I will make sure to get one next week.

See you at the picnic tomorrow!

WEEK TWO (AUGUST 24-28) Hello everyone!  Our second week came to pass very quickly . The kids got used to our new routines. As you can guess...