Japanese culture day

Hello parents of preschool A

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

I really enjoyed being able to tell you all the wonderful accomplishments of your children since I have started teaching them. Remember if there was anything you forgot to ask or a question you would like to know please don't hesitate to contact me.

Japanese culture day

This week on Thursday we celebrated Japanese culture day.

We all got to enjoy a taiko drumming performance and later in the afternoon we were able to try different kinds of traditional Japanese toys and games!


We have been continuing to work hard on our maths skills and we have all been getting much better at our addition! Many of us still struggle a little with recognising our 11-19 (this can be very difficult at our age) but we are all trying really hard.


We have been reviewing our ABC's with more challenging big kids alphabet pages, I have been very proud of the work we are showing and have been rising to the challenge!


Not that we have finished our 'happy' costume we will be working on our 'sad and 'angry' costumes this week! We will be tie-dying those as well and I will give warning so that we can wear older uniforms to school in case of any mishaps.

Important information

As YEP approaches we are spending more class time practising our performances. I have heard from many of you how enthusiastically we have been practising at home and it makes me very happy! 

In class we have been having a focus on sharing and helping each other this week and I have been very happy with the small groups of our friends sharing and playing together.

Share time

Sara - 27th February
Julia - 1st March

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me at bbelyea@abroadschools.jp

WEEK TWO (AUGUST 24-28) Hello everyone!  Our second week came to pass very quickly . The kids got used to our new routines. As you can guess...