Japanese culture day

Hello parents of preschool A

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

I really enjoyed being able to tell you all the wonderful accomplishments of your children since I have started teaching them. Remember if there was anything you forgot to ask or a question you would like to know please don't hesitate to contact me.

Japanese culture day

This week on Thursday we celebrated Japanese culture day.

We all got to enjoy a taiko drumming performance and later in the afternoon we were able to try different kinds of traditional Japanese toys and games!


We have been continuing to work hard on our maths skills and we have all been getting much better at our addition! Many of us still struggle a little with recognising our 11-19 (this can be very difficult at our age) but we are all trying really hard.


We have been reviewing our ABC's with more challenging big kids alphabet pages, I have been very proud of the work we are showing and have been rising to the challenge!


Not that we have finished our 'happy' costume we will be working on our 'sad and 'angry' costumes this week! We will be tie-dying those as well and I will give warning so that we can wear older uniforms to school in case of any mishaps.

Important information

As YEP approaches we are spending more class time practising our performances. I have heard from many of you how enthusiastically we have been practising at home and it makes me very happy! 

In class we have been having a focus on sharing and helping each other this week and I have been very happy with the small groups of our friends sharing and playing together.

Share time

Sara - 27th February
Julia - 1st March

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me at bbelyea@abroadschools.jp

Hello parents of preschool A!

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and enjoying the slightly warmer weather we have been having.


We have been practising adding small numbers together and most of us are getting faster and faster at adding small numbers up to different amount such as 7, 8, 9 and 10.

I hope to cover subtraction this week during our meal times and I'm excited to see how quickly our friends pick up this new skill.


We continued to hone our English skills and I have noticed that some of our more quiet members of the class have started asking questions and asking for help more often!

Our friends have been really enjoying writing their classmates names and simple words that they find around the room!


In our Inquiry lessons we made some tie-dye T-shirts! Thankfully no one changed colour and we a are all super excited to see how they look on Monday once the colour had cured.

We chose from pink, yellow, blue and orange and used those colours to create more colours on our shirts! Everyone got to choose their own tying pattern and how they wanted it to be coloured. The striped style was the most popular but also bulls eye and a spiral shirts have also been made by a few of our classmates.

Once the dye was applied they have to cure for a day or so and next week we will unravel them and get them washed.

Please keep watching as we will be updating you with how all the costumes are being made.


We had a great time this week playing in the park with preschool B and in the gym with our friends.

While we were practicing dancing this week a few friends realised that if they wear their back packs and hold their water bottles they look a professional ghost buster.  This trend was really popular.

Important information

Share time

Rizumu - 19th February
Kaname - 21st February

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me at bbelyea@abroadschools.jp

YEP update

Hello parents of preschool A!

I hope that you are all staying warm and cosy this weekend.

This week in class we have been progressing forward in our YEP performance and I will be able to let you in on a few details :)

We have also been showing some dances to our friend in preschool B, practising our writing and numerical skills.

We have also welcomed a new student to our class! Aruna Bulat, our class has already been so welcoming and friendly to her, she has made some good friends already and I hope she will continue to enjoy playing with us.


We have been doing wonderfully in our maths studies this week. Our recognition of small groups is becoming more second nature and some of us have been challenging ourselves to try adding larger groups. 


This week we have been practising not only our letters but also writing words we use everyone day, like days of the week!


In music this week we have be practising our song with our music teacher and working on our own instruments


Our YEP performance is centred around the idea of `how we express ourselves`. As a class the strongest emotions we feel on a daily basis is angry/fighting, happy and sad and how to cope and sometimes express these emotions.

We are trying to perform three dances (around 2 minutes each) and a story. We will be making our own dyed t-shirt costumes (one for happy, sad etc.) For their pants they are free to wear anything they want however I do recommend black leggings as it is easy to find and to move in.

I have also included the song selection and a link to a dance video should your child wish to practice at home. 

This is a class favourite and really bring happiness to our class whenever it is played.

Angry/fighting - Baby Metal - Karate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bme1mz83DbI
This song was chosen because although a metal song the dance is simple and the lyrics are quite sweet in nature.

The link to the dance I have provided is a dance cover I will also be providing the music video link as I think the dance is easier to follow in the original video. 

Please watch first 

Although I believe most students won't find it scary I feel you will be the best judge for your child. 

Important information

Bringing toys to class

I must firstly apologise, recently I have been weak and allowed a few students to bring a toys into class outside their allocated share time when they have arrived with them in the morning, I initially didn't see the harm. This has sadly escalated with students no longer asking and hiding many toys in their bags and bringing them out during playtime. The school rules are clear that no outside toys should be brought to class unless during agreed share time.  

This situation is entirely my fault as I have allowed it to get to this point. Please be aware that should your child arrive with a toy in the morning I will have to ask them to either have it return home with yourself or I will keep it behind my desk until the end of the day.

However should your child really wish to bring something to class to show their friends we would be happy to arrange a share time for them.

Share time

Sara - 12th February
Etta - 13th February
Yun - 15th February

Found key chains

Should you recognise your key chain please let me know and I will send it home with your child.

Should you have any questions please contact me at bbelyea@abroadschools.jp
Hello parents of preschool A!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!

We had a productive week, we have been improving our skills in maths and English. Some of our friends have started to try reading and coping / writing short sentences.

We had a wonderful time in the park with our friends from Preschool B.

Also we hope that you all had a great time joining us for grandparents day!



We have been practising linking our mummy and baby letters together, we really enjoy using the white boards and playing Upper case/Lower case with our friends.


We have been talking a lot about our favourite songs, dance moves and which we would like to dance songs, as well as what colours make us feel. This last discussion  

Grandparents Day

I hope you had a fun on grandparents day and thank you all for coming! We have included a couple of photos, I hope you fine one you like!

We also have a couple of key chains which have been left in the classroom, I will send out some photos and let me know if they are yours.  Should your key chain have been accidentally damaged, I found all materials at Daiso in Namba/Nipponbashi if you would like to repair or make another one.


Should you have any photos from grandparents day you wish to share please feel free to add it to our comment section below!

Important Information

Share time this week

Lian - 6th February
Osuke - 8th February

We look forward to seeing what treasures they will be showing us!


The year end performance is coming up and we have been discussing in class what we would like to do. I will be asking parents to advise me of their child's shirt size so that we will be able to order a costume that will fit them nicely.

Should you have any questions or concerns please don`t hesitate to contact me at bbelyea@abroadschools.jp

WEEK TWO (AUGUST 24-28) Hello everyone!  Our second week came to pass very quickly . The kids got used to our new routines. As you can guess...