Happy New Year!

Happy New Year parents of preschool A!

We have had a fun filled first week back at school. The new unit has started and we are exploring expressing ourselves through the creative arts such as music, art and dance. Our transdisciplinary theme is an inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

This week we have been looking at how different colours make us feel different things, how to express different emotions through dance and finally we have been listening to classical music and talking about if the music makes us feel happy/sad.


During our language lessons we have been practising our handwriting, I have provided blank writing sheets for us to practice with and students are more than welcome to take some home to continue their practice however this is not required.


This week we have the learning to recognise small groupings of numbers and that they can add up to the same number (3+3=6 and 2+4=6). We have been doing this while we count down to eat at meal times and our friends have been having fun taking turns to pick the number we are going to be counting down from.


We have welcomed our new music teacher and we are looking forward to the new music and songs that she will be introducing to us!

Playing with our friends from preschool B

We are continuing our study into what makes the best towers!

Wooden letters.......
.........or lego? 

Working together to make a master art work.

Important information


The year end performance is coming up and we have been discussing in class what we would like to do. I will be asking parents to advise me of their child's shirt size so that we will be able to order a costume that will fit them nicely.


As you would have been advised via email it is influenza season at the moment so are we encouraging all of our friends to be extra careful with their health and to stay home should they be exhibiting any fever or illness. We had two students exhibiting flu like symptoms on the 9th floor on Friday so please stay safe and healthy.

Lost property

One of our students has misplaced their rainbow striped snood (circular scarf) if possible please check your child's clothes in case it has accidentally been brought home. Should you find it please email me so it can be reunited with its owner.

Birthday Party

This month we will be celebrating January birthdays in our class!
The party will be starting at 3:15 pm on the 9th floor.

Share time schedule

Please note our share time schedule listed below, should your child have something special they wish to share outside of their scheduled day please let us know so we can make sometime for them.

Kinyu - Wednesday 16th January
Gen - Friday 18th January
Ai - 23rd January
Ayman - 25th January
Siwoo - 30th January
Gento - 1st February
Lian - 6th February
Osuke - 8th February
Etta - 13th February
Yun - 15th February
Rizumu - 19th February
Kaname - 21st February
Sara - 27th February
Julia - 1st March
Asim - 5th March
Mao - 8th March
Ayuma - 13th March

We look forward to seeing what treasures they will be showing us!

Should you have any questions or concerns please don`t hesitate to contact me at bbelyea@abroadschools.jp

WEEK TWO (AUGUST 24-28) Hello everyone!  Our second week came to pass very quickly . The kids got used to our new routines. As you can guess...