On Monday we had Yoshino and Maasa's mothers join us in the morning to read their favourite Japanese books. One of them was about how, if you suck your thumb, it will turn into an octopus! In the afternoon Mr. James came and read a story about pizza, then we all made our own pizzas by cutting out and gluing on the toppings.

The second day of literacy week was poem in your pocket day. Anna and Miyu made some very good attempts at reading theirs:
On Tuesday we also had buddy reading with the kinder class. The kids really enjoyed sharing a book with the big kids, especially those with brothers and sisters in that class.
The next activity of literacy week was matching the different teachers to their favourite books. Luckily we got a chance to ask a few of them 'What's your favourite book?' and get some hints.
On the second to last day of literacy week, we had another buddy reading session. This time it was in the gym with the even bigger kids from Grade 3
Later in the day we held some phonics contests to see who would represent our class for the spelling bee on Friday. Two similar words were written on the board and then one said by the teacher; the kids then put their magnets on the word which they thought had been said. Our chosen representatives were Yoshino, Emika and Maasa
On the final day everyone dressed up as their favourite book characters and we had Anna's mother come and read us one book in English and one in Japanese.
We also cheered on our three representatives as they competed with the students of Pre Kinder A and B in the phonics/spelling bee final. Everyone did well, but Yoshino deserves special credit for out lasting a few of the older competitors: